Here's how to use our most dearly loved products...

Sacred Tonic

  • Spritz a generous mist of our hydrating humectant to a clean face before applying Ageless Skin Serum

  • Cleanse + refresh after a workout 

  • Use whenever you need to reset your mood & access a higher state of being

  • Enjoy right before bed to ease you into your nightly slumber

 Healing Salve

  • Use for a myriad of ailments–such as acne, rosacea, eczema, cuts, scrapes, bug bites, rashes, dermatitis, fungal infections, bruises, chafed skin, burns, scars, cold sores–you name it. 

  • Apply as needed to affected area and appropriately work it into the skin

  • Visibly calms redness immediately, wipes out acne + blemishes in a day or 2 & heals rashes, cuts & burns within a week


These multi-tasking wonders work best in tandem with our superhero product, Ageless Skin Serum. Take a look here.

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Just send us a message here and we'll get back to you asap.


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Valentine’s Elegance: Crafting a Love Affair with Your Skin

Elevate Your Daily Joy with PRESTIDGE beaute Active Organics